The very beginning: How many of us found ourselves behind a computer playing video games and just wishing we could do more than just pressing few buttons? For more than a decade I … Continue Reading →
ACE Yoke
I must admit, this was something I have been wanting for very long time… For the past two years, or at least since I moved away from a desk into … Continue Reading →
Throttle Quadrant Cover
Because the Cockpit Sonic TQ is flat at the back, I need to create a cover that will have the same angle of the CDU Bay The idea is to … Continue Reading →
Cockpitsonic Throttle Quadrant
Today, we are going to look at the cockpit sonic motorised throttle quadrant and why I chose this one and not one of the competitors on the market. When choosing … Continue Reading →
Cockpit Platform
The cockpit platform is where the entire cockpit rest on to. Needless to say that this structure needs to be really strong. The larger area of the platform will be … Continue Reading →
Light Panel
Lights please!!! Light and backlighting is a great way to add some character to your cockpit. Creating the light panel was in the works for a while, but the thought … Continue Reading →
FMC and CDU Bay
OpenCockpit… FlightDeckSolutions… FlyEngrevity… and many others manufactures out there, but which should I choose? To make the decision you firs need to answer a few questions… How much you want … Continue Reading →
Switches & Leds
With the MIP built. it’s time to add some functionality to it. Annunciators and switches are generally one of the first thing that goes in. At my local shop I … Continue Reading →
MIP Evolution
I think everybody starts the same way, when someone decides to build a fully functional cockpit, the first thing they concentrate on is the MIP. But then again, why wouldn’t … Continue Reading →
New MCP, New PC and few extra monitors
The problem with wanting more realism for your simulator is that you also need to have a suitable and powerful PC that goes with it. This is the moment where … Continue Reading →
Adding some Saitek products
Would you look at that, did not take that long to make the decision that this hobby required a space all of his own. I had a spare computer which … Continue Reading →