The very beginning

002 December 2012How many of us found ourselves behind a computer playing video games and just wishing we could do more than just pressing few buttons? For more than a decade I installed FSX (older versions) on my PC only to eventually un-install it when I was bored with it. Sure, you load the game, the plane of your choice is already on the runway, engines on, you push F4 and way you go, pull up and you are in the air, but than what? You start making some circles and see if you can land back on the same runway you just took off from. You know what? This actually does get boring after a little while.

One day I was searching on Google how to change some settings, jumping from site to site and from topic to topic I was discovering that I actually was barely scratching the surfs on how I was using the software. So I decided to investigate a little further and what do you know, I was hooked and never un-installed FSX ever again.

I quickly update the setting to have better performance and bought my first joystick, to have a better realism. Needless to say that the amount of hours I was spending with FSX were quickly increasing. The sky was the limit and two years later my setup changed drastically, but more of this in my next post,

In the meanwhile I hope you enjoy it. For now stay safe and happy flying.