ACE Yoke
I must admit, this was something I have been wanting for very long time… For the past two years, or at least since I moved away from a desk into … Continue Reading →
737-800 Home Flight Simulator
I must admit, this was something I have been wanting for very long time… For the past two years, or at least since I moved away from a desk into … Continue Reading →
Because the Cockpit Sonic TQ is flat at the back, I need to create a cover that will have the same angle of the CDU Bay The idea is to … Continue Reading →
Today, we are going to look at the cockpit sonic motorised throttle quadrant and why I chose this one and not one of the competitors on the market. When choosing … Continue Reading →
The cockpit platform is where the entire cockpit rest on to. Needless to say that this structure needs to be really strong. The larger area of the platform will be … Continue Reading →
Lights please!!! Light and backlighting is a great way to add some character to your cockpit. Creating the light panel was in the works for a while, but the thought … Continue Reading →
OpenCockpit… FlightDeckSolutions… FlyEngrevity… and many others manufactures out there, but which should I choose? To make the decision you firs need to answer a few questions… How much you want … Continue Reading →
With the MIP built. it’s time to add some functionality to it. Annunciators and switches are generally one of the first thing that goes in. At my local shop I … Continue Reading →
I think everybody starts the same way, when someone decides to build a fully functional cockpit, the first thing they concentrate on is the MIP. But then again, why wouldn’t … Continue Reading →
The problem with wanting more realism for your simulator is that you also need to have a suitable and powerful PC that goes with it. This is the moment where … Continue Reading →
Would you look at that, did not take that long to make the decision that this hobby required a space all of his own. I had a spare computer which … Continue Reading →